Python Lists: Copy Lists

Looping Through Python Lists

In Python, looping through a list allows you to perform actions on each item within the list. This can be achieved using various types of loops, such as the for loop, while loop, or even list comprehension for more concise syntax.

Using a For Loop

One of the most common ways to iterate over list elements is by utilizing a for loop. You simply iterate through each item in the list, performing the desired operation.

thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
for x in thislist:

This code will print each item in the list, one by one. If you’d like to explore more about for loops, check out our dedicated Python For Loops Chapter.

Iterating Using Index Numbers

Another method to loop through a list involves referencing each item’s index number. By combining the range() and len() functions, you can create an iterable that spans the indices of the list.

thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
for i in range(len(thislist)):

In this case, the iterable generated by range(len(thislist)) is [0, 1, 2], allowing you to access each item through its index.

Using a While Loop

You can also loop through list items by employing a while loop. This approach requires you to initialize an index variable, check its value against the list length using len(), and increment the index with each iteration.

thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
i = 0
while i < len(thislist):
    i += 1

This example demonstrates how to print all list items by looping through their index numbers with a while loop. To dive deeper into while loops, see our Python While Loops Chapter.

Efficient Looping with List Comprehension

For a more concise syntax, you can use list comprehension to loop through lists. This approach is ideal for those who prefer a more compact and efficient way to write loops.

thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
[print(x) for x in thislist]

List comprehension provides a shorthand method for iterating over all items in a list, making your code more streamlined.

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